is the first crowdfunding in Ticino - Switzerland 

The plat­form works in a very sim­ple way. Any pro­ject is pre­sented on the site by the pro­ject pro­moter who in­di­cates the pro­ject’s tar­get amount and, at his dis­cre­tion, re­wards or ben­e­fits for those who will de­cide to sup­port the pro­ject. Once ap­proved by the re­gional ref­er­ence ad­min­is­tra­tor, the pro­ject will have its on­line space and be vis­i­ble to po­ten­tial donors.

Any sup­porter who will want to con­tribute to the im­ple­men­ta­tion of the pro­ject will be able to reg­is­ter his promises of fund­ing on the site. The plat­form will guar­an­tee that the donor will be con­tin­u­ously in­formed of the fundrais­ing sta­tus, be able to cus­tomise the dead­lines of the no­ti­fi­ca­tions on the pro­ject up­dates and to vote for his favourite pro­jects.

If the es­tab­lished tar­get amount is achieved or ex­ceeded by the due date, and only in this case, a re­port con­tain­ing all reg­is­tered promises of fund­ing will be sub­mit­ted to the pro­ject pro­moter, and then it will be the pro­moter’s re­spon­si­bil­ity to ask the sup­port­ers to pay the promised con­tri­bu­tion to a bank or postal ac­count, and to of­fer them the guar­an­teed re­wards or ben­e­fits.

The platform was designed with simplicity and keeping in mind that the user might be less used to the Internet resources:
- Brand design
- Web design front/back end 
- CMS-
- UI/UX design

Projct view
Back-end interface
Icons studio

Thank you!
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